Add Fancy OG image to your HTML

URL Structure

The most important part of the URL is the subdomain and can be found in your account's 'sites' page.

This determines the default settings for the image generation, allowing you to only specify a small number of parameters in the URL.

The base URL path is https://<subdomain>

URL Parameters

The URL parameters are used to specify the settings for the image generation. As most settings are set in the subdomain, there are only a few parameters available here.

Parameter Purpose Notes
template The template to use for the image generation Defaults to 'default'. Lowercase string found from the generator page
title Main heading in the image
subtitle Secondary heading in the image Can usually be longer as the text is smaller.
mainImageUrl URL to the main image to use in the template Not supported in all templates. Overrides the site's default main image.
showLogo Control logo visibility Default to show. Pass in 0 to hide the logo.
ctaText Call to action button text -
ctaBackgroundColor Call to action button color -
ctaFontColor Call to action text color -
ctaCorner Call to action position Supported: tl, tc, tr, bl, br

These parameters should be passed in the query string.

e.g. https://<subdomain>


Once you've got your URL generation working, you can use the og:image tag to specify the OpenGraph image for the page.

e.g. <meta property="og:image" content="https://<subdomain>" />